The CSA Wants Your Help
The Canadian Space Agency (yeah, that CSA!!) has launched a wee food contest, and would like your input. Basically, when Canadian Chris Hadfield next launches into space in 2012, he will be bringing with him a care package of typically Canadian snacks to share with his colleagues on the International Space Station. The contest rules can be found on the site, just follow the link. However, I was unable to find the contest's closing date.
I must say that I was a little stumped when I was contacted to submit my suggestion. Not that I have anything to say about the Canadian space agency, but because I couldn't think about a typically Canadian snack that fit the contest criteria! (Does that mean I have to give up my crown as the Snacking Queen?)
This is a really neat idea! The restrictions are a challenge, though. One possibility is maple kettle corn - fewer crumbs than maple cookies, can be eaten right out of the packaging, no preparation required, no refrigeration required, etc. However, I've never seen the stuff in stores. Is it available commercially? I attended the Maple Syrup Festival in Prince Edward County this year and had some phenomenal maple kettle corn at Vader's, but somehow I doubt they make the stuff year-round.